A new GM requires a leader like Alan Mulally at Ford someone who commits himself sufficiently not only to have a permanent impact on its management and culture but to meld its global operations. 新通用需要像福特的艾伦穆拉利(alanmulally)这样的领导人能够全身心投入工作,不仅致力于对公司管理和文化产生持久影响,而且大力整合公司的全球业务。
The volunteer gallery guides introduce the permanent collection of the museum, through which the visitors to the museum would understand and feel close to the art and culture of Asia. 有志愿者向观众介绍博物馆的永久性收藏品,使观众理解亚洲的艺术和文化并对它们产生亲切之感。
Permanent artificial islands and structures in ice-infested coastal locations culture region 近岸冰害区中的永久性人工岛
We must strengthen the management, establish the permanent effective mechanism for the building of the campus culture campus and realize the sustainable campus cultural development. 要加强管理,建立校园文化建设的长效机制,实现校园文化的可持续发展。
Ethos is a part which is sustainable enough to be permanent in history, is the highest value made by the nation, so that whenever ethos and national culture remain well, so do the country and the nation. 民族精神是一个足以在历史中永久持续的部分,是民族所创造的最高价值,因而只要民族精神和民族文化保持良好,国家与民族就保持良好。
Three simmental crossed steers ( 600 ± 100kg body weight) fitted with permanent ruminal cannulas were used in two 3 × 3 Latin square designs to study the effect of yeast culture on rumen fermentation and fiber digestibility. 本试验选用3头平均体重600±100kg装有永久性瘤胃瘘管的西杂阉牛研究酵母培养物对肉牛瘤胃发酵及纤维消化的影响作用。
In family relations, the mother-in-law relations have been a permanent subject. In old china society, a strong culture of the mainstream values of society protected the rights of the mother-in-law, creating a strong reality of the disadvantages of the daughter-in-law. 在家庭关系中,婆媳关系一直是一个永久的话题。封建社会里,社会主流价值文化强有力地保障了婆婆的权益,造就了现实中婆婆的强势与媳妇的弱势。
As death means the permanent termination of the life of a person or an animal, all the nationalities in western and oriental culture are reluctant to mention death directly. 死亡意味人或动物生命永远的终止,在东西方文化中都是人们禁忌语。
It has been a permanent topic in Chinese architecture field concerned the heritage of Chinese traditional architecture culture and encounter of the modern element. 中国传统建筑文化的传承与现代元素的碰撞一直是中国建筑界一个长久的话题。
Urban waterfront which has internal permanent attraction for humankind is the most sensitive area in urban environment and culture. 城市滨水区是城市环境和城市文化最为敏感的区域,对于人类,它有着一种内在的、与生俱来的持久吸引力。
Taoism theory, Taoist and Internal alchemy are three aspects of Daoism. Daoism is one of the three pillars of the China traditional culture. It had a profound and permanent influence on every aspect of the culture of China. 道学主要包括道家、道教及内丹学三个方面,是中国传统文化的三大支柱之一,对中国文化的各个方面产生了持久而深刻的影响。